Every day I’m asked how I generate the captions on my IG reel videos.
I’ll tell you how it’s done at the end of this email.

But, if you want to be successful, captions on IG reels simply don’t matter.

Today’s email is about what does matter.

Welcome to my end-of-the-month note.

Today’s message is short.

In it, you’ll learn the three most valuable, timely, yet timeless strategies for success.

You’re welcome to share this email.

The 3 Most Valuable Fitness Industry Success Principles
  1. Get customers first.

  1. Prioritize. Ignore unnecessary shit.

  1. Seek wisdom, not knowledge.

Let’s dig into each one.

I’ll share the wrong way, the right way, and my execution for each.

1. Get customers first.
Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress.

Start before you’re ready (even if it’s scary).

The wrong way

Endlessly planning, making lists, and designing a service before you get a customer.

The right way

Make it good enough.

Get customers. Learn from them.

Then, make it better.

My execution

Every new service that I build begins with test groups.

It’s sold as an idea before it’s ready and delivered unpolished. We gather feedback and iterate.

Time, money, and design are only invested into it once it’s proven.
2. Prioritize. Ignore unnecessary shit.
Program hopping kills gainz.

It also kills businesses.

The wrong way

Jumping from tactic to tactic, never executing well on anything.

The right way

Appreciate that you can’t do it all.

Instead, identify your biggest opportunity.

It should combine your unique attributes with a market opportunity.

Then, focus 100% of your energy there, ignoring all else.

My execution

IG is my biggest opportunity. Our industry is there and my writing thrives there.

I network on IG, read about IG, produce for IG, engage on IG, and study IG.

I don’t give a fuck about TikTok.

It’s not that I don’t see its opportunity. It’s simply not a priority.

And I’d rather do the most important thing well than a bunch of things just OK.
3. Seek wisdom, not knowledge.
Knowledge is Googleable. It isn’t worth paying for. 

Wisdom comes from a trusted source with irreplaceable experience. It’s priceless.

The wrong way

Seeking tactics like how to best caption IG reels.

The right way

Focusing on foundational timely, yet timeless principles like why people use social media in the first place.

My execution

If somebody has done one thing that they’ve had success with, I don’t yet trust their knowledge.

On the other hand, if somebody has been around for a long time, and had success with multiple projects, I’ll pay any amount of money to learn from them.
Buy My Wisdom Today!
In my 17 years in this industry I’ve done it all:

  • Built a local clientele.
  • Sold 250,000+ items online
  • Founded a large website
  • Written 10 books, hosted 5 conferences, developed 7 digital programs, created 3 membership sites
  • Launched a software platform
  • Grown my personal IG to 104,000+ engaged fans

All of this while:

  • Generating enough profit to retire (if I wanted to).
  • Traveling the world for 9 winters straight.

Nobody in this industry has done as many things, in as many different ways, as I have.
Today, I’m offering you this lifetime of wisdom!
I sell a secret newsletter about fitness marketing.

This education is like getting an MBA in the fitness business.

You will learn about:

  • Rendering competition obsolete so sales come easy
  • Earning a stellar reputation in a trustless world
  • Setting yourself apart by knowing when to break the rules
  • Selling the golden nugget that clients cannot resist

I’m charging $100.

If all this does is get you a single customer, it’s worth it (and it’ll get you way more).

But this link isn’t available anywhere else.

It’s private.

So, if you want in, buy it now.

Because, as we’ve just learned, it’s best to start before you’re ready (even if it’s scary).

Buy here:
And as always, thanks for reading.


Oh, and I hire a video editor to do the captions for my IG reels. You’re a coach, not a video editor. Don’t waste your time editing videos.

Jonathan Goodman
Improving fitness trainers.
Thanks for reading. Here's a few additional ways that I might be able to help you:

My IG: @itscoachgoodman
Free Software: QuickCoach
My Book: Ignite the Fire (1,000+ 5-star reviews)
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