
Stronger Sundays

Dominate your fitness business with this weekly collection of strategies, tips, and tricks.
By trainers, for trainers.


Quote of the week:

"You are still allowed to charge people money for your services." —Jonathan Goodman
Watch for this newsletter from the Personal Trainer Development Center each Sunday.

In this issue:

  1. A great coach is rare
  2. How to monetize your equipment
  3. Three tips for new trainers

1. A great coach is rare

"The success or failure of the world will ultimately depend on individuals," says Martin Rooney. "And right now, every individual will depend on the skills and influence of the people who they call their coaches."

He uses "coach" in the broadest way, encompassing anyone who acts as a mentor or role model.

It could be a parent, sibling, boss, or friend.

Whatever the relationship, the best sign of a coach’s effectiveness isn’t what they can get the other person to do when they’re together, Rooney says.

It’s what they do on their own.

That’s because there’s more to coaching than knowledge and technique.

"A great coach must also listen if he or she ever expects anyone to listen," he adds.

Especially at a time like this, the people in your life—clients, family, friends, colleagues—need to be heard.

"A great coach is rare," Rooney concludes. "That’s why people rarely forget the ones they had."

Your mission: "Be that great coach for someone else."

2. How to monetize your equipment

We’ve seen several posts from gym owners who’ve lent their equipment to members. It strikes us a great way to a) help your customers continue training while in lockdown; and b) give them incentives to return to your gym when you’re cleared to reopen.

Should you charge for the loans? It depends on lots of things, not least of which is the liability risk. (Ask a lawyer about your potential exposure, especially if your borrowers seem like litigiousness types.)

If you decide to give it a shot, Dean Somerset offers this suggestion:

"Does Dale from HR love using a Concept Rower? Loan it to him for a down payment of 10 sessions, which he can start using once he returns.

Kim the lawyer loves training with kettlebells? Loan them out for a one-month membership. Once the gym opens again, she can bring the equipment back and get to work on the pass she paid for in advance."
3. Three tips for new trainers – Kevin Mullins

I’m not going to sugarcoat this.

You got into the fitness business in a booming economy, but before you had a chance to build a loyal clientele, or accumulate a financial cushion, it all went away.

I can’t predict how or when life will return to "normal." All I know is that gyms will reopen. And when they do, you owe it to yourself to be a better trainer than you were when they shut down.

Here’s how.

Study yourself

The best personal trainers are the most authentic. They understand their strengths and weaknesses.

How well do you know yours? In your brief experience, which clients got the best results? Which ones were disappointed?

Most important of all: What can you do now to build on your strengths and shore up your weak areas? What can you read? What can you practice in the privacy of your shelter?

Build associated skills

Personal trainers aren’t known for their versatility. They tend to know a lot about training and not much else.

Those who stand out have some other skill. They’re known for their writing, their presentations, their videos, their social media.

You’ll never have a better time to work on your writing or speaking; to get comfortable in front of and behind the camera; to learn how to create infographics or edit video.

Relax and be ready

Visualize what your life will be like when your gym reopens.

How will you approach potential clients? How will you close sales? How will you assess new clients? How will you manage money when you have money to manage? What can you do to prepare for the next disruption to your life and career?

Don't feel like you need to be in constant action. Reflect and project. And be ready to get back to work.

**Thanks for reading. What to do next**

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