
Stronger Sundays

Dominate your fitness business with this weekly collection of strategies, tips, and tricks.
By trainers, for trainers.


Quote of the week:

"You tell me it’s tough to find employees with your same work ethic ‘because they’re millennials.’ And I’ll tell you it’s because they don’t have equity. Upside matters if you have high expectations. Nobody will ever care about the business you own as much as you do."
                                                                                          - Pete Dupuis on Twitter
Watch for this newsletter from the Personal Trainer Development Center each Sunday.

In this issue:

  1. Pretend you only have one shot at this
  2. The bare minimums for online coaching success
  3. Last week on the Online Trainer Show
1. Pretend you only have one shot at this – Jonathan Goodman

On a typical day, I get dozens of questions. Hundreds a week, thousands a year. I understand why. When you work as hard as I have to get to the position I’ve reached, it goes with the territory.

But I rarely see a good question.

Instead, I’ll get questions like, "I’m looking to get started with online training. Any tips?"

Would I have created the Online Trainer Academy if I thought the process could be summed up with a few tips?

Questions like that are a waste of everyone’s time. Nobody can help until you ask a good question, and you can’t ask a good question until you figure out what you can learn on your own and what you can only learn from an expert.

Imagine email didn’t exist. Imagine you couldn’t send a DM to anyone you want on Facebook or Instagram. Imagine you have to write a letter, send it in the mail, and wait six weeks to get a response.

Would you do some research before you wrote that letter? Would you make your question as clear and specific as possible?

Pretend you only have one shot at this.

And if you decide to send a letter? Consider putting a custom stamp on the envelope. I just ordered a new set for my own correspondence.

What do you think? Too subtle?

2. The bare minimums for online coaching success - Amber Reynolds

Amber is a coach with the Online Trainer Academy.

It’s easy for new and aspiring online coaches to get paralyzed by all the options they have. I see it all the time with the Online Trainer Academy students I work with.

To get them unstuck, I ask them to think of it this way: "What’s the least you can do to succeed with your business?"

That’s when I tell them about the three BAMs—the bare-assed minimums for success. It’s a concept I got from Toni Bauer, a Precision Nutrition coach.

Bare-assed minimum #1: Pick one social media platform

This is one of the most common questions I hear from coaches. You can’t be an online coach without an online presence. But you don’t have to be present everywhere.

Pick the one you like most, and focus on that.

Bare-assed minimum #2: Talk to people every single day

That doesn’t mean selling to everyone you come across. The goal is to connect. Ask how they are. Offer help where you can. You can talk about what you do if there’s a reason for it to come up in the conversation.

Mostly, though, you’re using social media to be social.

And you’re doing it every single day.

Bare-assed minimum #3: Choose the easiest path forward

A question we like to ask ourselves: What would this look like if it were easy?

What’s the simplest, cheapest, most straightforward way to establish and run an online fitness business? Chances are, it wouldn’t include a complex marketing strategy or an expensive website. (You may not need a website at all.)

Nor would you spend hours a day on social media with the goal of building a massive audience. You don’t need to be an influencer to acquire and train 20 to 30 clients, which is typical for online coaches.

Focus on giving your clients the best possible service at the lowest cost with the fewest complications. You may actually enjoy the process.
3. Last week on the Online Trainer Show

Podcast cohosts Jonathan Goodman, Carolina Belmares, and Ren Jones are back with two new episodes:

In Episode 5, Packages and Pricing, Ren explains the age bias of Scooby Doo, Carolina reveals the mobility expert who haunts her dreams (one dream, anyway), and Jon offers pricing strategies to make sure you get what you need from your business.

In Episode 6, The Secrets to Focusing on the Right Things in Your Business, Jon begins with the most unsettling compliment he’s ever received, Carolina shares her mother’s advice to focus on serving her clients instead of trying to impress her peers, and Ren summarizes the episode with a musical medley.

Come for the career-changing advice, stay for the unforgettable Ren-dition of the Backstreet Boys.

You’ll find every episode here:

--> The Online Trainer Show

**Thanks for reading. What to do next**

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