
Stronger Sundays

Dominate your fitness business with this weekly collection of strategies, tips, and tricks.
By trainers, for trainers.


Quote of the week:

"One way that training someone on Zoom is way easier than in person: You can pretend you didn’t hear them fart. And you don’t have to fake a face if it stinks."

                                                                                    - Michael Beiter on Facebook
Watch for this newsletter from the Personal Trainer Development Center each Sunday.

In this issue:

  1. What your boasting says about you (it’s not good)
  2. Three leadership lessons from a novice manager
  3. The best gym-free workout for your clients (and you)
1. What your boasting says about you (it’s not good) – Jonathan Goodman

Prince Hamlet has a theory. He believes his uncle killed his father, the king of Denmark, and subsequently married his mother, the queen. But he has no proof beyond a late-night conversation with his father’s ghost.

Even 400 years ago, when Shakespeare wrote the classic play, that kind of evidence wouldn’t have been admissible.

To get them to incriminate themselves, Hamlet stages a play with a plot roughly mirroring the events that led to his father’s murder and his mother’s betrayal.

After one especially pointed scene, when the queen in the play swears she’ll never take another husband if the king dies, Hamlet asks his mother if she’s enjoying herself.

She responds bluntly, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Shakespeare was on to something. He understood that people overreact in situations where they feel exposed, or fear being called out as a fraud.

If you want to figure out where somebody lacks confidence, pay attention to how they boast.

Someone who’s confident in their skills and accomplishments isn’t likely to boast about them. They don’t need constant reassurance on social media because their achievements speak for themselves.

On the flip side, those who boast the most in their marketing are often the least confident in what they do. Because they can’t offer proof of sustained or repeated success, in good and bad economic situations, they instead surround themselves with the trappings of success.

Keep this in mind when you’re looking for advice or mentorship. Watch how they present themselves. See if there’s any substance behind their lavish claims.

If the person telling you he has the secret to making seven figures poses in front of a Maserati, he doth protest too much, methinks.

Maybe this is why I love my $20 Casio watch so much.

2. Three leadership lessons from a novice manager – Alex Cartmill

Alex is head coach of the Online Trainer Academy.

I currently manage eight people. It’s taught me that humans are beautifully complex creatures, and leading them effectively is really hard.

I’ve only been doing this for a couple of years, and I’d never describe myself as a leadership expert. But I think it’s safe to say these three fundamental lessons will stand up over time:

1. It’s not a leader's job to have all the answers. Sometimes we need to let our people fail, and be there to support and educate when they do.

2. Everyone has something unique to offer. Leaders shouldn’t structure systems that suit one set of skills, or create unnecessarily rigid processes to complete their work. As long as everyone is moving toward the same goal, the framework should allow each person to add value in their own unique way.

3. It’s not enough to define a vision. You need to get people to believe in it. That means connecting their individual goals with the collective mission of the team. The two things should feel so entwined that each person’s individual growth benefits the team, and everyone experiences team growth as a step forward for them.
3. The best gym-free workout for your clients—and you

You’ve probably seen that viral video of fitness enthusiasts doing push-ups and squats on a sidewalk outside their gym in Florida.

Their goal was to protest the statewide lockdown that prevented them from exercising inside their gym. But pundits dunked on them for making the opposite point: that you don’t need a gym to exercise.   

It only makes sense if your definition of exercise is "stuff that makes you sweaty if you do enough of it." It’s like telling a rock climber they don’t need rocks when they can use a ladder. Climbing is climbing, right?

We all miss the gym. We miss our deadlifts. We feel naked without our calluses. And a few of us would gladly pay the equivalent of a day rate just to do a few sets on a Hammer row.

But we can’t. And, more to the point, our athletes and clients can’t. No amount of push-ups and air squats can take the place of those heavy lifts. They can even be counterproductive if our most advanced clients substitute high volume for high intensity and end up with joint injuries.

So we found the next best thing: five ways to get the most benefit with the least equipment.

Check it out here:  

--> How to Create Home Workouts for High-Performance Clients

**Thanks for reading. What to do next**

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